rome monokkrome!!

names and pronouns

> rome [anyone can use]
> grey [only for moots, discord peeps, irls, and people with permission]
> little g [same as grey]
> gey [etg members only]
> any nicknames derived from grey [same as grey]

> voi/void/voids/voidself [preferred]
> they/them/their/themself [preferred]
> ae/aer, myst/mysts, caw/crow, xe/xem, ve/vim, abyss/abyssal [preferred]
> it/its, end/ender, ey/eym [also comfy with these!!]
> check pronouny for more info

about me

> aroace
> agenderflux [pronouns change but any listed above are okay]
> minor
> singlet
> currently an mcyt fanartist
> asian american [chinese]
> english and 中文
> void is gender euphoria :]
> i love the color purple, if that's not already obvious


> masculine/gender-neutral terms [feminine terms are prohibited]
> no reposting
> headers and pfps are ok with credit
> please don't ask me to draw things for you if i'm not asking for requests
> not yet doing commissions [i don't have any way of receiving payment]
> do not repeatedly pester me about anything
> only ask for my discord if we are close moots
> pls don't pqrt me if i don't know you/im not in your priv
> terms of endearment [eg. love, darling, beloved] are cool as long as it's /p
> if we are moots i want to interact with you please talk to me im awkward af and can't start conversations /lh
> priv twitter is for moots only!!
> please tw/cw for trypophobia and scissors

before you follow

dni if
> you are lgbt-phobic [this includes homophobic, transphobic, against xenogenders/neopronouns, etc.]
> you are racist
> you are disrespectful to anyone [this includes minorities, content creators, fans/fandoms, artists, etc.]
> you are in nsfwmcyttwt and/or poppytwt

> i swear occasionally, usually without tagging
> i use caps quite a bit, sometimes without tagging
> i'm most active on discord, second on twitter. my instagram is kind of dead
> my internet goes out at mostly set times every day, so if i'm completely silent, that's probably why. either that, or i'm asleep/away from my devices


mcyt subtwts
sleepytwt, borealtwt, peepressure/monotonetwt, emeraldstwt, bootwt, beetwt, alliumtwt, benchtwt, fiancetwt [sobs], rivalstwt, kind of punztwt, coraltwt?
other subtwts
demontwt :], jootwt :D, jemontwt, skirttwt :), tontontwt :>, startwt/daisytwt <3, lvjytwt
